Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Not too much activity yesterday (Saturday), except walking three times around the block in the morning to loosen up the joints. I'll be swimming tonight. I called 24 and the pool heater is apparently working--yea!!! Looking forward to going.

A word or two about nutrition: For the first time since the "new year", I relaxed my healthy eating routine and partook of yummy eatins at my daughter's inlaws (the Bueno's). There was a birthday party for some of the little cousins. I had nachos and carne asada--yum. Then I went to Hillcrest for Sushi with a good friend o' mine. Oh--why not? Every now and then, ya gotta live a little, huh? Today, I went right back to my routine. It's all good. :)

Swimming was great tonight. The pool was warmer, but still not as warm as I would like it. I swam 70 lengths tonight. That's 35 laps :) It felt great.

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