Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kundalini Yoga Class This Week

In addition to my regular exercise regimen, I decided to try Yoga this week. My place of employment is offering the class three times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) at noon time. A yoga-experienced employee has graciously volunteered her time to teach the class. This particular Yoga is called Kundalini. The description is below:

What to Expect in a Kundalini Class
The Kundalini classes will usually consist of a warm-up to stretch the spine and improve flexibility, a sequence of poses (a kriya) that focus on a specific area of the body, and end with a guided meditation.

Is Kundalini for You?
Kundalini is one of the more mental/spiritual types of yoga. It goes beyond the physical performance of poses with its emphasis on breathing and meditation. However, the Kundalini sequences are physically intense and focus on strengthening the core muscle groups. This type of yoga appeals to those who are up for both mental and physical challenges.

So what's the verdict for me? I felt major pain in some of the poses--due to my hip issues and my limited range of motion. The relaxation portion of the class, however, was very restful. I'm not sure that it is for me at this time. There is little that can improve 'bone on bone' and that's where I am with regard to my left hip. I still continue to do my regular routine of walking, gymming and swimming and occasional biking. These activities are manageable for me right now, and I'm achieving good results. I may try to go back occasionally. We'll see.

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