Monday, April 6, 2009

No--I Haven't Fallen Off the Face of the Earth!!!

Greetings Everyone :) All is well here--been busier than a one-armed paper hanger, though. I'm still keeping up my regular exercise regimen--gymming 3 mornings a week, swimming two evenings a week and walking at noon most days. Biking and Yoga have proven to be a little difficult for me at this time, however. My hip is not behaving itself at all today. In fact, I really over did things this past weekend, due to being on my feet for several hours at a time. The meds I'm taking just don'g seem to be doing the trick, unfortuantely. I am, however, a glutton for punishment. I forced myself to get up to go to the gym and to walk today. Tomorrow night will be my swimming night and I'm definitely looking forward to that. Once I'm in the water, I feel a tremendous sense of freedom. That type of exercise really burns calories and does not impact my hip at all. Definitely looking forward to my Tuesdays and Thursdays in the water. Oh--I'm now 140 pounds, having lost a total of 60 pounds since January of 2007. Yes--it's been nice and slow, but isn't that a good thing???