Saturday, March 7, 2009

New Updated Workout Schedule

Tonight--yes tonight, we set our clocks ahead. My mom always said, "Spring forward, fall back"--a great way to remember which way to turn the knob (smiles).

With the new time change--OK, so we lose an hour, but worth the sacrafice, cuz we will have more daylight at the end of our work day. Yea!!! That said, Here's my new workout schedule. All the in-between stuff is 'work'.

Monday am Gym
Monday early pm Yoga
Monday pm Lolly's (Mary Kay Administration)

Tuesday early pm
Tuesday pm

Wednesday am
Wednesday early pm
Wednesday pm Errands

Thursday early pm
Thursday pm Swim

Friday am Gym
Friday early pm Yoga
Friday pm Errands

Saturday am Sleep in--YES!!!
Saturday am-pm Whatever Needs Doing “My Day”

Sunday am
Sunday mid am Church
Sunday pm Laundry & Get Ready for Work/Swim